Crisis Readiness consists of prevention, preparation, mangement and evaluation. With more than a decade of crisis experience and assisting in over 200 crisis situations Capita has a vast array of proven proprietary tools and models for each phase.
To prevent crisis situations we assist our clients in constructing heat maps revealing which conceivable issues can bring the organization in conflict with civil society, regulators, governments, shareholders and internal stakeholders. By developing strategies to mitigate those risks we help our clients solidify their business.
Preperation consists of desiging crisis management procedures and processes. Through training and scenario planning we help our clients prepare for the worst.
In the unfortunate event that our clients do find themselves in a crisis, we take a hands-on approach, managing the crisis through a solid four step process focusing on de-escalation, dialogue & negotiations and solutional road-mapping.
Immediately after a crisis we follow a proven proces of post-event evaluation to learn from the past and using those learnings to prevent future escalations.