Marjolijn van Oordt is founder of Capita. She is a widely recognised and highly skilled international business diplomat with broad knowledge of public issues, a sharp mind, solid intuition and an extensive network. Marjolijn acts as a chair to teams in crisis situations to de-escalate and strategically conduct stakeholder negotiations, design multi-disciplinairy solutions and deal with public advocacy. She is highly skilled in leading multidisciplinary crisis teams on an strategic, operational and organisational level. Prevention of crisis situations by drafting crisis protocols, developing scenarios and templates, mapping crucial stakeholder networks, building relations with those networks and conducting training, is core to Marjolijns work.
Marjolijn is an INSEAD certified board member, Harvard trained negotiator, NfM-certified business mediator and MBTI-certified trainer. As mentor she supports board members in strengthening their personal effectiveness during negotiations and as spokesperson. Marjolijn is lecturer at national and international business schools.
Capita works with in house teams and external specialists depending on each situation.